Knife collecting is a popular hobby for thousands of people. For some, it’s a passion for a certain type of knife. For others, it’s an investment that can be handed down for generations.

Even many celebrities have caught the knife-collecting fever.

But if you are a new knife collector, you might have difficulty in deciding where to start and how to go about building a good collection.

The following represents some issues to keep in mind as you launch yourself into this interesting hobby.

Select a Knife Collection Niche

People collect knives for a variety of reasons. They include the following.

Brands. Some people so enjoy a knife from a certain company that they end up wanting to collect more from a specific designer. This is especially true of companies like KRUDO Knives, where owner Louis Krudo designs everything personally and with a unique look and feel.

Handles. Some people like certain types of handles, such as ivory, mother of pearl, wooden. The choices are many in this area, and it all depends on what catches the collector’s eye.

Historical significance. Some collectors look for older – and often more expensive – knives with historical significance because of their use in the past. Famous knives could also fall into this category, such as knives used in movies or television shows.

Types of blade. As varied as there are knives in the world, this can include folders, fixed blades, and all the varieties within those two groups. Some may also want more modern blades that use, for example, titanium. Others may want specialty blades, such as the Chevron from KRUDO. There is an endless list of different kinds of knives, but that’s what makes collecting rewarding. There’s a knife out there for everyone.

Set Realistic Goals

One issue collectors in all areas get into is trying to do too much at once. When you have figured out what kind of knives you want to collect, sit down and set up a plan that sets realistic goals of what you can acquire and when. Don’t overspend, especially in the early days of collecting.

Buy From a Reputable Source

With a company like KRUDO, you can buy online with the assurance that each knife is backed by the company. The same must be true of any dealer from which you buy – you want someone who will stand behind the authenticity of the knives they sell. If a deal seems too good to be true, that’s because it is too good to be true.

Patience and wise choices can make knife collecting an exciting hobby for many people. It’s also a deeply satisfying one for knife aficionados.