A surprising number of celebrities enjoy collecting knives, from musicians to actors and even sports stars.

Some back groups that support knife owners, such as Knife Rights. Others have quietly accumulated big knife collections. All of them share the interest in knives that have made collecting such a popular hobby with so many people.

Celebrity Knife Collectors

The following list represents just some of the many celebrities who have made knife collecting a part of their everyday lives.

Steven Tyler

The Aerosmith lead singer has a long-held affection for knives. He even wore one on his hip while a judge for “American Idol.” He has twice made the news for shopping for knives in Las Vegas at Bonds House of Cutlery.

The latest came in 2015, when he has a three-hour private demonstration of both kitchen and sporting knives at the store. He ended up purchasing a huge amount of knives, which the store owner said he likes to give away as gifts to friends.

Joe Perry

That’s right, two knife fans in one band. Aerosmith should be the unofficial rock band of choice for knife lovers everywhere. Perry can be seen in this video taking out one of the knives from his collection.

Tim Duncan

Duncan, a star with the San Antonio Spurs, is known as one of the best guys in the NBA. He runs his own foundation that helps in areas such as youth sports and health awareness. He’s also raised money for breast and prostate cancer treatment and prevention. He also paid for the first wooden basketball court ever built on the island of St. Croix, which is where Duncan is from. And, according to the biography on his website, he has a large knife collection. Among his treasures: a three-foot samurai sword.

Angelina Jolie

The actress is a licensed pilot, Mom, activist and, it turns out, knife collector. She’s been buying them for years and likes to get first-edition knives.

Sylvester Stallone

No surprise here. Anyone who has seen “Rambo” remembers the knife in that movie, and Stallone apparently carries the same passion for knives as the character he played. Knives also play a big role in the film “Cobra” and “Cliffhanger,” both of which star Stallone. The actors displays knives on a wall in his home.

Ted Nugent

The Motor City Madman is now as well-known as a hunter and a conservative activist as he is for writing such hits as “Cat Scratch Fever” and “Wango Tango.” An avid knife collector, Nugent also supports pro-knife groups such as Knife Rights.

Nicolas Cage

The famous actor has played all kinds of characters over the years and is known for making both independent, critically acclaimed movies as well as big action flicks. In his private life, he apparently enjoys knife collecting. Back in 2011, he was spotted dropping $2,000 on a steak knife.

These celebrities are but a few of the many people who collect and use knives, both as a hobby and for use.