Modern life makes it easy to get bogged down in a routine. You can cycle through endless days of driving to the office, stopping by the grocery store, then going back home. Your hobbies tend to involve sitting on the couch streaming something or playing video games. Fun and diverting, but you’re not learning anything useful, and you certainly aren’t going anywhere.

Hobbies for guys should have a bit more action involved. They also should make you a bit healthier and a lot more interesting.

That’s the idea behind the following list. Men used to consider picking up skills and expanding their knowledge as an integral part of life. These hobbies for guys can return you to that state.

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Real men read. Some of the greatest men in history became great because they were well-read, well-rounded individuals who could manage themselves in a variety of situations. Need scientific proof for motivation? Studies have found reading prevents cognitive decline, builds vocabulary and empathy, reduces stress, aids sleep, alleviates depression and may help you live longer.

Play Guitar

Learning guitars makes you a far more interesting person. So does playing the piano, but a guitar is more portable, so go with that. You can serenade women, lead the beach bonfire sing-along, or wow everyone at the party by playing someone’s favorite song.


Learning to dance is a great hobby for men. For one thing, it immediately makes you a better date, boyfriend or husband. For another, you will continue a tradition that has somehow gotten lost. Men in the past knew how to dance the waltz, the foxtrot or whatever it is they are doing in those countless period piece movies. You don’t need to look like John Travolta on the dance floor. You just need to improve past swaying back and forth and sort of clapping your hands.


Really, any type of hobby you can do on the water is not only good for you, but makes you much more fun to be around. Trips to the river are much better with a man in the group who can handle himself in a canoe or kayak. Plus, it’s great exercise.

Knife Throwing

This is another hobby that immediately gives you a skill that few people have but everyone admires. The ability to hit a target with a knife is a hard one to master, making this hobby the sort of challenge men will enjoy. You’ll also find out for yourself why knife throwing is so popular.

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Another facet of modern life is that it has taken a lot of the fun out of being a man, and added a whole lot more anxiety. A hobby that will benefit not only yourself but everyone in your life is learning how to backpack and camp. Getting back into nature is good for everyone involved, and it’s also good for your health (both body and mind).

These hobbies for guys can make you into the sort of person people like to spend time around. In a world where life can become sterile and monotonous, taking up a cool hobby is more than worth the time and effort.