Earthquakes can occur at any time and without warning. That is why it is important for everyone to have a plan in place in the event of an earthquake. What would you do if an earthquake struck your city or town? Would you know what to do? If not, don’t worry – this blog post will outline some tips for creating a good earthquake readiness plan.

Be familiar with the evacuation plan

If an earthquake does occur, be sure to know the evacuation plan for your area. In some cases, you may need to evacuate immediately. Make sure you have a bag packed with essentials that you can grab quickly in case of an emergency.

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Check for hazards

One of the first things you should do when creating an earthquake readiness plan is to check your home for potential hazards. Are there any objects in your home that could fall and injure you during an earthquake? Are there any sharp objects that could cause injury? If so, take steps to secure these items or move them to a safe place.

Find safe spaces within the home

If an earthquake does occur, you will want to find a safe place to wait it out. The best places are those that are away from windows, furniture, and other objects that could fall and injure you. Try to find a spot where you can hunker down and protect your head and neck.

Find safe spaces outdoors

If you are unable to find a safe place indoors, try looking for a spot outdoors. Look for an open space away from buildings, trees, and other objects that could fall and injure you. Then, get low and stay down until the shaking stops.

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Get some disaster supplies ready

Getting the earthquake supplies you need is an important part of creating a good plan. Are there any items that could be hard to replace in case of an emergency? If so, make sure you have extra on hand for your family. You should also get some water and food ready if possible as well.

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Have some form of communication available

In case you are separated from your loved ones during an earthquake, it is important to have some form of communication available. Make sure you have a way to reach them – whether that be through phone, text, or social media.

Improve community communication

If you live in a community of any size, it is important to improve the communication among your neighbors. Have an emergency plan ready so that everyone knows what they should do during and after an earthquake.

Check on elderly/disabled neighbors

After an earthquake occurs, be sure to check on your elderly or disabled neighbor. If possible, offer them a place to stay with you until help arrives. You may also want to check on them ahead of time so that they have a plan ready in case an earthquake strikes.

Do not go inside a damaged building

After an earthquake, try your best to avoid going into any buildings that may be structurally unsound. Aftershocks can occur, and the building may be in danger of collapse, so be sure to keep away from damaged structures and other hazards.

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